Mission / Management Policy (MISSION STATEMENT)

Mamano Chocolate was founded in February 2013.

As we continue to develop further in the future, we will share a declaration that will be a flag so that we can grow together as a promise with our customers by making it public.

While interacting with members, cacao farmers, customers, and everyone involved
I would like to brush up every day.


Kotaro Co., Ltd.
President and CEO
Kotaro Ezawa

January 20, 2021


Mamano's Vision (Aiming World)

Creating an earth full of smiles with chocolate


Mamano's Mission

Mamano's mission is to create an earth full of three smiles.

1. Make customers smile with the highest quality chocolate
2. Connecting the precious nature of the earth to generations 1000 years from now
3. Contribute to the sustainable development of cacao farmers

To realize the three missions
All members strive to be good people with a mature heart.


Mamano's Value (world view)

  • The earth is made up of natural ecosystems, and we see the world on the premise that human beings exist as part of nature.
  • The resources of the earth are finite. Use finite resources carefully and make every effort not to reduce the resources that can be used by future generations.
  • I do not agree with the excessive consumer society. Aim for a society that does not generate unnecessary garbage by buying what you need and what you really want
  • I do not agree with expansion supremacy and growth supremacy.
  • The company exists in society as an important community, provides a place for human self-fulfillment, and is also a place to foster bonds with friends and loved ones.
  • We value human freedom and equality, not market freedom and equality


Long-term management policy

  • Food safety is our top priority.
  • We will manage the earth 1000 years from now for the benefit of humankind.
  • We welcome diversity as well as the Earth's ecosystem.
  • The company will do its utmost to ensure that its members are happy.
  • Has legal compliance, high ethical standards, and high morality.
  • Create a culture that has high aspirations and continues to take on challenges.
  • We are particular about the highest quality from cacao plantations to chocolate production.
  • Make full use of technology.
  • Emphasis on design and art.
  • All to create "the earth full of three smiles".
  • Become a model company that creates a bright future for the chocolate industry through direct trading
  • Aiming for overwhelming quality No. 1 by sticking to all processes of natural environment, variety, farming method, fermentation, roasting, chocolate making
  • Aiming for a recycling-oriented store (Aiming for zero waste and zero greenhouse gas emissions) 


Guidelines for making chocolate

  • Use the best materials
  • Use material with a story
  • Use materials that show the producer's face
  • Maximize the power of the material
  • Avoid using preservatives, colorings, additives, etc. as much as possible
  • Make chocolate that can be eaten safely and securely
  • Pursuing the world's first and only genres, products and recipes
  • Use local ingredients


If you are interested in Mamano, please feel free to contact us.



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