Agroforestry & Working with Indigenous Communities
We promise that all chocolates used by Mamano Chocolate meet the following conditions.
Mamano Chocolate Promise
- Comprised of the indigenous Quichua people of the rainforest region of Napo, EcuadorWINAK combinationof cacao(100% inhabitants, 70% female) Message from WINAK Association
- with the WINAK Uniondirect deal
- Because cocoa has a high valuebuy at a higher price(4.2$-5.5$ per 1kg/The highest price among all customers in trade。)
- traditional agroforestryCacao grown in (chakra)(Contributing to indigenous food security, healthcare, cash income, diverse ecosystems, rich soil, climate change mitigation and adaptation)。
- Cacao without pesticides or chemical fertilizers(USDA、nonEU141organic)
- Traditional National Variety (Ariba Cacao)use. The improved CCN51 is basically not bred.
- deforestation freeCacao(Deforestation Free Cacao)。
- The WINAK Union hasagroforestry farm126ha and 6088ha of rainforest (including secondary forest) are registered.
- child labor 0(100% Child labor free)
- All land is registered with the WINAK AssociationOwned by Indigenous Farmers(Emphasis on land rights of indigenous peoples)
- 100% transparent value chain(Local member living in Napo)
Chocolate not used by Mamano Chocolate
- monoculture cacao(single variety farm)
- improved cacao(CCN51, Spelalvo, etc.)
- large plantation cacao
- pesticide use cocoa
- Cacao with no transparency in the value chain
- The cocoa butter in the chocolate uses cacao from other than the WINA union.
- If you have any questions about the above, we will answer them in detail.
As of September 26, 2022
Mamano Chocolate Kotaro Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Kotaro Ezawa