Message from Cacao Union Winak
Preserve tradition and protect nature
We WiñakDirectly owned and operated by farmers in the rainforest region of Ecuador, it is a family of 84 indigenous communities with a total of 584 people.We are collaborating with.
Our goal isImproving the living environment of farmers by providing opportunities and benefits to people while preserving tradition and preserving natuream.
We,"An ancestral agricultural form called "chakra" enables coexistence with nature.I know that.
By cultivating products for economic income, along with the plants needed for food, medicine and all kinds of handicrafts, we can grow without damaging Mother Earth.
Winjak Union Farmer Support
We help farmers commercialize some of the crops they produce for financial income by turning them into high-quality products that meet international standards.
What is important to usA market for a variety of crops that can be cultivated in highly biodiversity forest gardens to avoid single cultivation and protect the natural ecosystemIs to find out.
The main products our farmers produce are cooking bananas, guayusa and cacao.
Cocoa is one of our most important products and we are proud to grow only the best flavored cocoa varieties in close to forest conditions in harmony with the natural flora and fauna.
Until the ingredients for Mamano are made
The unique flavor of cacao is brought out in a special wooden fermentation box, dried, and then only the best beans are selected to produce the raw materials for MAMANO-Chocolate.
We would like to extend our heartfelt greetings to everyone who patronizes Mamano and to protect our culture and nature.Thank you for your support.
WINAK combination

We are Wiñak, an organization owned and managed directly by farmers of the rainforest region of Ecuador. We work with 84 indigenous communities and a total of 584 families. Our goal is to ameliorate the living conditions of our farmers by creating opportunities and benefits for our people, maintaining the traditions and protecting the nature.
We are conscient that our ancestral form of agriculture called “chakra” permits us to live together with nature. By cultivating products for economical income together with the plants we need for food, medicine and all kind of handicrafts we can develop without causing damage to our mother earth.
We help our farmers to commercialize some of their products to obtain financial income by transformation to high quality products, meeting international standards.
For us it is important to find markets for a variety of crops that can be cultivated in high biodiverse forest-gardens to avoid monocultures and protect the natural ecosystem.
The main commercial products of our farmers are Cooking-Bananas, Guayusa and Cacao.
Cacao is one of our most important products and we are very proud to cultivate only the best and finest flavor cacao varieties under almost forest-like conditions in harmony with the natural flora and fauna.
In our special wooden fermentation boxes the cacao obtains it unique flavor and after drying we select only the best beans to go ahead with the production of the raw material for MAMANO-Chocolate.
We would like to send a warm greeting to all Mamano-customers and say thank you for supporting us and make it possible to protect our culture and nature.
WINAK Association
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