10/22 (Sat) AM 9: 00- Listen to professionals! The Close Relationship Between Chocolate and Climate Change ~Cacao from the Ecuadorian Rainforest~
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"Ask a professional! The deep relationship between chocolate and climate change
~How does traditional Quichua agroforestry farming in Ecuadorian rainforests affect climate change and biodiversity? ~Event overview
Mamano Chocolate is a Tokyo chocolate store founded in 2013. Since its founding, using only cacao from traditional agroforestry ("chakra" in the local language) of the Ecuadorian rainforest,“Creating a world full of smiles with chocolate”We are doing business with the slogan.We would like to take one step closer to creating a better society by letting everyone who loves chocolate know about the deep and interesting relationship between chocolate, climate change, and biodiversity. It's decided.
Grab some chocolate and join us for fun!
Japanese interpretation available (speakers are English and Spanish)Interpretation is not simultaneous, but alternating between short sentences.
Mamano Chocolate (Kotaro Co., Ltd.)Co-sponsored
Sustainable Cocoa Platform in Developing Countries (JICA)Embassy of Ecuador in Japan
Program on the day

Kotaro Ezawa about 5 minutes
Representative of Mamano Chocolate (CEO of Kotaro Co., Ltd.)
"About the purpose of holding the event and Mamano Chocolate"
Mr. Cesar Montagno About 5 minutes
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ecuador to Japan
"About cacao from Ecuador (provisional)"

Mr. Boriel Torres About 20 minutes
Amazon State University
“Impacts of Traditional Agroforestry Systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon on Climate Change”

Ana Karina About 20 minutes
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Ecuador
Climate Change Adaptation Specialist
"Amazon Chakra in Napo, Ecuador: Agriculture and Carbon Sequestration Contributing to Preventing Climate Change"
Ms. Victoria Mena
World Wide Fund for Nature Ecuador (WWF Ecuador)
Program Director for Bioeconomy and Markets
"Sustainable Life and Market - WWF Activities in Napo, Ecuador"

Mr. Enrique Salazar About 5 minutes
Winyak Guild
commercial manager
Introduction of union activities
Considering speakers about 5 minutes
Sustainable Cocoa Platform in Developing Countries (JICA)
Questions and discussion time about 20 minutes
Scheduled to finish at 10:40
Details such as speaker profile
Ms Ana Andrade
Climate Change Adaptation Specialist
At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), he served as a climate change expert in the project “Climate-smart agriculture of cocoa in Ecuadorian agroforestry systems” in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and with the National Registry on Climate Change. He has worked as a climate change adaptation expert in a National Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system readiness project.
Introduction of upcoming presentations
It is an agroforestry system characterized by sustainable use of biodiversity and adaptation to adverse production conditions, as well as being the basis for the cultural and social reproduction of the Quichua Amazonian people. We focused on cacao planted in a certain "Amazon Chakra".
This project will focus on Agriculture Contributing to Climate Change (CSA),
a) Sustained increase in agricultural productivity and income of producers
b) Adaptability and resilience to change
c) Reduction and absorption of greenhouse gases
aims to achieve three main goals:
Agroforestry systems are strategies to achieve the goals of climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security and poverty alleviation. The project carried out carbon stock measurements and studies on 36 plots.
The Amazon chakra in Napo is an important carbon sink stored in soil, biomass and other areas, even more so when compared to cocoa monocultures and primary forests.