Opinions and impressions
We welcome your opinions about products and stores.
I am going to use it as an example!
- Impressions of the product
- Product idea
- Feedback to the site
We welcome your opinions about products and stores.
I am going to use it as an example!
Delivery preferences
1. 最短発送希望の方は日付指定なしで「最短希望」と備考に記入 2.ネコポス、e-giftは日時指定不可 3.通常送料は500円(7,001円以上)/700円(4,001円以上)/1,000円(4,000円未満)。4.E-giftは送料一律1,000円 5.常温ネコポス385円(薄型商品のみ対象。冬季は薄型チョコも対象)