About year-end and New Year store business hours and EC shipping schedule from 2020 to 2021
We will inform you about the store business hours and EC shipping schedule for the year-end and New Year holidays in 2020.
Store business day
December 29 (Tuesday) Last business day
Closed from December 30th to January 4th (Monday)
Business starts on January 5, 2021 (Tuesday)
Regular holidays after January 5th17th (Sun), 24th (Sun), 31st (Sun)Is planned.
EC shipping date
The final shipment within the yearTuesday, December 29is.
Orders made by 24:00 on Monday, December 28th are eligible.
New Year's shipment starts from January 5th (Tuesday)start.
Orders placed between December 29, 2020 and January 4, 2021 will be shipped after January 5. Please note that if there are many orders, it may be shipped after January 6th.
Thank you very much!