Manufacturing staff (Ome Kobo)

Currently, there are no manufacturing quotas.

We will inform you on this page at the time of the next recruitment.


Job Description

  • Manufacture of Mamano Chocolate
  • Planning, proposals, and adjustment of manufacturing processes for new products

The following products were also planned and realized by the manufacturing member Homma himself. We will discuss with representative Ezawa from the selection of materials to the manufacturing method.

Chocolate cookie "Akato Ao"


Akasaka Card Chocolate Premium Fruit
God's large raw chocolate Japanese whiskey


I usually talk with Mamano store members, packaging members, public relations members, etc. through IT tools such as Slack and Backlog.

In particular, the secret stories of new product development and commitment to manufacturing are disclosed in the media, notes, blogs, etc. through the public relations team.


If you wish, we will also leave the following to you!

  • In charge of chocolate development for overseas contests (chocolatier)
  • Manufacture of the bean to bar section
  • In charge of quality improvement such as storage method, hygiene education, HACCP introduction, etc.
  • Creating a company structure that is unique to MAMANO CHOCOLATE (team rule making, human development system, evaluation / salary system, etc.)
  • Person in charge of specific response to the latest Food Sanitation Law (introduction of nutrition analysis software, administrative response and equipment examination to always realize adaptive food labeling, coordination with package design staff, coordination with packaging staff, etc.)

Required ability

  • At least 3 years of pastry chef experience is required.
  • Inexperienced in chocolate production. Those who have the spirit of wanting to specialize in the chocolate road are welcome!
  • Preferential treatment for experienced chocolate makers.

    Employment conditions

    Full-time employees (manufacturing chocolatier, bean to bar manufacturing, pastry chef)

    205,000 to 300,000 yen / month



    Member composition (as of October 2020)

    • CEO 1
    • 3 borderless members
    • 1 project member
    At Mamano, members who have only a specific role are called project members, and members who participate in outsourcing are called professional members.
    There is no difference in occupation or employment form. Everyone is in constant contact and working together.

    How to run a team (company)

    • Disclosure of 100% management information
    • No quota (plans, goals)
    • Employment forms are full-time employees, contract employees, outsourcing, part-time jobs, remote work, free side jobs
    • 1on1MTG once a week and overall MTG once a month
    • Utilize Gsuite, Slack, Asana, Trello, etc. for communication
    • Work style is free due to the modified labor system on the 9th of March, 3 days of summer vacation, 5 days of year-end and New Year holidays
    • Environment where 100% paid leave is recommended
    • An environment where you can flexibly have the desired work or role
    • Semi-annual salary increase system
    • Chocolate, books, seminars that can be used freely up to 5,000 yen a month
    • Social system
    • Side business recommended
    • Participation in contests and study sessions is recommended (regular employees who work 3 times a week for the contest in April-October and 5 times a week in November-March are also possible)


    Application Form