"God's large pavé chocolate brandy 3, 6 and 10 pieces" Notice of voluntary collection of some products
Dear customers
Thank you for using our store on a regular basis. I'm Ezawa, the representative of Mamano Chocolate (Coataro Co., Ltd.). We apologize for the product and ask for a replacement / refund.
Regarding God's large raw chocolate brandy (3, 6, 10 pieces / single item is not applicable) sold during the following applicable period, the storage temperature is temporarily set at our store due to a defect in the electrical system of the equipment when storing the product in our warehouse. It turned out that there was a product that was out of the setting standard.
There is no problem with the results of hygiene inspections by a third-party organization, and it is considered that there is no health hazard at this time, but it is possible that the flavor of the product was affected. Therefore, we have decided to exchange and refund the target products.
God's large pavé chocolate brandy (3, 6, 10 pieces / not applicable separately)
For over-the-counter purchases: Purchased from November 26, 2021 to February 2, 2022
When using the online shop: Products delivered from November 27, 2021 to February 2, 2022
* Some of the target products provided during the above period were outside the specified storage temperature, but all target products during this period will be exchanged or refunded.
(1) Customers who purchased over-the-counter and have a receipt, or customers who have the actual product with the food labeling sticker (expiration date: December 6, 2021 to February 22, 2022) affixed. Will provide and exchange the same product by bringing the receipt or the actual item.
* Even if the food label sticker is thrown away, the contents will be included and the actual product will be replaced.
* Customers who purchased at the store after February 3 have confirmed that there is no problem with all products.
(2) If you do not have the actual item or receipt, or if you would like a refund instead of exchanging the item, please fill out the form below. After confirming the information, we will refund you by wire transfer.
→ https://forms.gle/8RDCTv7BrLbq9sKm8
③ We will contact the target customers for exchange / refund when using the online shop.
February 3, 2022 ~ February 28, 2022
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and concern that we have caused to our customers. As a measure to prevent recurrence, we will strive to strengthen the quality control system, including the introduction of cloud temperature and humidity control services. Thank you for your understanding.
February 4, 2022
Kotaro Co., Ltd. (Mamano Chocolate)
Representative Director Kotaro Ezawa
MAIL: info at mamano-chocolate.com
Contact Form: https://mamano-chocolate.com/pages/contact