
We started delivery service at Uber Suites.

MAMANO CHOCOLATE at Akasaka Mitsuke Main StoreUber SweetsHas been introduced.

Uber Eats is a product delivery service.

Uber EatsPlease download and use the app.

* Delivery fee will be charged

* Orders can only be made during business hours

* The price is set higher than the list price because the shop also incurs a 35% fee for payment to Uber Eats.


Uber Sweets in such a scene ↓ ↓

  • I want to prepare souvenirs in a hurry
  • I wish I had chocolate to liven up the meeting
  • I want to shop invisibly


Since this is a new initiative, we would be very happy if you could provide feedback from customers who used it via SNS and messages. Campaigns are also being held, so please use it.
