カカオ農園レポートvol.3 「カカオ栽培は好きですか?」 WINAK組合セリアさん

Cacao Plantation Report vol.3 "Do you like cacao cultivation?" WINAK Union Celia

We are pleased to present an interview with Celia, a member farmer of the WINAK Union (Amazon region of Ecuador), who is a partner of Mamano.

B: Interviewer
Agricultural: Celia

We are here in San Bartolo, Santa Rita. This area is a community that grows Winak's produce.

I: What's your name?
Agricultural: I'm Celia Tangira. I'm from San Bartolo here.

I: What kind of agricultural products do you grow?
Agriculture: We grow cacao and guayusa.

I: Do you like growing cacao?
No: Yes, I like it. It can be used as a raw material for chocolate, and it is good for the environment because it does not pollute the land.

I: I see, thank you very much!

It's a short interview, but I hope you can feel the atmosphere of the farmers who actually grow cacao, which is the raw material for making chocolate.

"Guayusa" is a plant that inhabits a lot in Ecuador, and it is drunk with decocted leaves like tea. Quechua's main source of income is not only cocoa, but also wood, corn, coffee, etc., which are earned in a way that suits each region and community.

At WINAK, not only cacao but also Guayusa is expected as a new source of income. There aren't many places to drink in Japan yet, but I'd be happy if I could introduce it to everyone someday.

Please look forward to the 4th time.

C: Celia

We are here in San Bartolo. It's inside of Santa Rita. This area is a community where it cultivates products for Winak .

I:What is your name ?
C:My name is Celia Tanguila, from San bartolo.

I:What kind of product are you cultivating ?
C:I am cultivating Cacao and Guayusa.

I:Do you like cultivating Cacao?
C:Yes I like it, because it is good to make chocolate and also good for the environment because it is not contaminating the land.

I: Thank you so much.