
Freezing delivery started. Information on the types of products that can be ordered at the same time.

We would like to inform you that there has been a change in the usage of the online shop.

From August 2020"Frozen delivery"Has started.

"Refrigerated delivery only" and "frozen delivery only" products cannot be ordered at the same timeSo please be aware of this.

Click here for products by temperature zone

Refrigerated delivery products
Freezing delivery products

Click here for notes on temperature zones

  • The delivery temperature range isTwo types, "refrigerated" and "frozen"is.

  • Classification by temperature zone of products is"Refrigerated delivery only" "Frozen delivery only" "Refrigerated frozen delivery both are possible"There are three types.

  • For "refrigerated and frozen delivery" products, we will decide which delivery method to use, refrigerated or frozen, depending on the season, temperature, and the type of product included in the package. I'll enjoy having this.

  • "Refrigerated delivery only" and "frozen delivery only" products cannot be ordered at the same time.

This information isHow to use the online shopThere is also a description of the same content in.

We appreciate your understanding in order to deliver chocolate in the best possible condition.

We look forward to your continued support of Mamano Chocolate.