(To see the English ver. below.)
(English ver.)
The biggest exhibition of organic food would not be complete without the Wiñak association.
Due to the unique form of cocoa production in high biodiverse, ancestral agro-forestry systems, Wiñak helps to protect the tropical rainforest from the Ecuadorian Amazon basin and avoids deforestation.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as a organization for environmental protection recognizes the philosophy and the way of work as a production, free of deforestation and agreed to support Wiñak to present their work and products to interested customers from all the world.
For Wiñak it is a big chance to participate in a space which is mostly occupied by big global companies and appreciates the support by WWF-Germany and WWF-Ecuador.
Wiñak is very motivated and conscientious of the responsibility to ameliorate the living conditions of hundreds of small farmers, families of the Wiñak communities and to be able to spread their philosophy and mission to protect the rainforest.
The environmental friendly way of production showed a great acceptance in the German-society and the aroma of their cacao was appreciate by international
Ulrich Zebisch, the chocolate coordinator and representative of Mamano-chocolate in Latin America could accompany our friends of Wiñak thanks to the support
of the World Wildlife Fund-Germany.
Mamano-chocolate is happy to form part of this collaboration and contribute to the protection of culture and environment.
We want to share this with our valued customers of Mamano-chocolate, while you enjoy our gourmet products you contribute to our wish to make the world a better place.