【動画・書き起こし公開】🍫👩💻オンラインセミナー:11/18(土) AM9:00- ノーベル平和賞候補者(2023年)のフアン・カルロス氏が語る『チョコレートと気候変動・生物多様性・先住民の権利』🍫👩💻

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My name is Juan Carlos Hintiach. I am SUAR, Indigenous from the rainforest of Ecuador. Also, actually I am working at Executive Director for the Global Alliance Indigenous Organizations with Territory.
Actually, I am working in the different bigger organizations from Asia, from Amman, from Congo Basin, and Africa, and Amazon Basin, and South America, all Brazil, and Mesoamerica, and Caribbean. I work for indigenous people rights.
I work for mother rights and natural rights. I'm also work for many organizations in the tropical, a global tropical perspective, and also following international arena and the CBD, a climate convention, the CBD, biodiversity convention, and also working in the international arena and the climate change, and other international space like human rights and intellectual property, et cetera.
Thank you so much for the invitation. I would like to present something what I am doing with my work. I want to share with you and this opportunity to try to summarize what I am doing actually.
I am working and say as executive secretary of the global alliance with indigenous and territorial communities. Next. Something about us, the Global Alliance of Territorial Community is a coalition of indigenous and local communities from the Amazon basin, from Brazil, from Indonesia, Mesoamerican, the Caribbean, the Congo basin.
Together we represent forests, people in 24 countries, protecting and living more than 958 million hectares of the tropical forests, five territorial organizations, makeup or coalition or alliance, co -incarbonization, a PV, MPV, Aman and Repaliac, and DRC.
Next. So, in this picture, I'm not going to go in details, but this picture is the structure that each organization has members organization in Indonesia, and we have many people, many indigenous communities, many groups, also Mesoamerica, and this is the structure, the governance.
Each organization member is from the community, from the local, regional, and international organization. So, you can see there, we have many indigenous groups, many people with different language, with different cultures, and many organizations.
So, we are talking with many people here. This is a basic structure, how we are working with this organization. Next, so here you can see the 24 countries in Mexico, America, and the Caribbean, Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Panama, Honduras, all in South America, Colombia, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.
Venezuela, French Guyana, Guyana Shield, Suriname, Brazil. And then we go to Africa, what I say in Congo Basin, in Africa, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Chat, Republica, Africa, Democratic Republic Congo, Randa, Burundi, and Asia, Indonesia.
So all of that, we work in five languages, we Bahasa and English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Next. So we have five demands that we are in consensus working together. So our fear demands that we are working as indigenous people in local community is about land rights.
We indigenous people and local communities maintain the spiritual, cultural, and social economic bonds with our lands. Territorial resources. Lands means a lot and everything for us. Second principle I present is about rights.
We are here with telling about free, pre -reunited for consent. We demand a right to free, pre -reunited for consent as a means for our fundamental right to sell determination, free, pre -reunited for consent empowers us when it comes to projects that affect our life and territory.
We need to know what kind of project is going to be developed in all homes, in all land, in all territory. Next, the number three, we always talk about direct financial. We demand for adequate direct access to finances being made available to support or sell the terminated climate actions on the ground.
Investing in our territory is crucial to combat climate change, desertification, and biodiversity loss for the world of the Yammerty. Number four, protection or life. We demand an end to the violence and unjust criminalization for indigenous leaders.
We endure wild safeguarding our territories and these are collective voices that calls for respect or rights and protect the life for indigenous leaders who just for the criminalization with no more persecutions for indigenous leaders in the our territories.
So, The number five is about our traditional knowledge. The core or cultural identities and livelihoods lies in our shared traditional knowledge. We demand for our knowledge to be accorded respect and protection.
And all policies formulated within in our territories proactively integrate them. So we as indigenous people for many centuries we have our scientific knowledge that elders are managing this information in different ecosystems and the rainforest.
So next, so now I'm going to invite you to see this picture. This is the in South America, the Amazon basin. The forest, the more pristine forest that is not only their ecosystems, forests, there are a thousand of people living there.
Even people not contacted. We call people living isolated. Also five hundred sixty indigenous groups, different languages, culture, territory. I am one of my group, also the Kichwa, the Shuar, but there are many.
I am working with them also. This is one of the groups. So because we don't have too much time, I just want to connect with you with this Amazon basin and then you can see the organizations in the nine countries in Amazonia.
Next. So this is the map, for example, with different colors. It's difficult to read it more in the case, but I can send more information to you later. But this is the map, for example, we have some colors, like the green colors and also the purple colors.
Each color has some dynamics. Where are the pressures? Where are the oil, the mining? Where are these dangerous situations for indigenous group? Where we have territory? This is an example distribution in each country.
So we have many territories. And that is important to understand that where we are living, indigenous people, we protect and we manage the most beautiful and pristine forests. Next. This is an example of what I'm talking about because in more details what is happening in Amazon Basin, some countries, because you know we have a crisis, a climate crisis.
This is one of the work that I'm also working with Indigenous Organisations, Indigenous people. You know the expansion is still, they're really more looking more at the governments and pushing, going for more, find more fossils, I mean the oil explorations, explorations and also the temperature and also the disaster, what is going on in the Amazon.
Recently we are hearing all the time daily about deforestation, you know, illegal logging and also contamination of the rivers with illegal mining from the rivers, the gold and also the sun's gold and then the fires because in the rainforest is getting dry too fast and hot, it's very hot temperature too.
So this is some examples that you can see over there what is happening, a disaster, ecological disaster. Thank you. Next. So, for example, very climate change in the Amazon, for example, there is a lot of change in the ecological calendars.
There are more dispersed flies of the sun, little ants that we eat, like ukui we call, in different languages we call, small quantity, ill -delayed or some Chontakuro harvests that we eat. For example, here in the tales, how was before and how is now.
And because the climate is changing, so this calendar, the knowledge is changing, is because we are destroying the ecosystem, we are making too much pressure to the mother earth and also the forest, so everything is changing.
So this is some simple model, an example of how was before and how is now. So we can see there's a heat, a lot of temperature, so we can see that climate change, we are in disasters and we have a tp point in the rainforest.
Thank you. channel, English. Next, so for example, everybody is talking about these ecosystem services, what is in the tropics about Amazon carbon store, for example. So there's some initiatives and I just want to show you here how much percentage indigenous territories we are managing.
There are some examples from 2016, 58% of Amazonian carbon was stored in indigenous territory and protected areas. And also 34% is the story in indigenous territories alone. So protected areas in indigenous territory to get a 58, but only indigenous 34.
So this is some example. So that is why the many institutions and researchers, they need to work and coordinate with us because we have a lot of opportunities to protect this. Next. So now I would like to invite you to connect from the broadly big organizations what we are working about context of rights.
I just want to connect, just one example, what I am very proud to be following and supporting and trying to help was WINAK. I didn't so ULIC and the colleagues they explained this before, but we use this example model how we can work and we are working with the best practice in the community.
So you go next. So WINAK is a community sustainable initiative. Next please. So in my country, just Ecuador where I am from, and this is the province, Naples province. So WINAK is an initiative leading by indigenous people, indigenous families, farmers families in the Amazon and Naples.
So that's what I want to talk a little bit and how we can help and support and to see how we are doing our indigenous economy. Next. So it's important to understand that this association, agroforestry association that has many years that we create, also I was part of the, to helping to try to be advice and connect with some colleagues.
And I think it's very important to understand that families connected with territory are working with this initiative. Territory indigenous families with protected and doing the best practice in the chakra chakra is a concept that we we we work with knowledge, indigenous knowledge, agroforestry with food and that there is some practice that can help.
Or So also not for province, what you see before, we are Closed or surrounding by reserves of biosphere and also by parks, national parks of the Galera or our reserve by your biologies reservations. So, in this initiative, the winniak.
Most of the important that the leadership is the the women's but also also the men's of course but also there are a lot involved with intergenerational information between youth, elders, family working with territory is the real example of winniak how we work with our land.
Next. So what we do, Wenyak, what is it doing? The four lines that the Indigenous family of this association, Wenyak is working is cultural identity, number one. They work with their own language with Kichwa language, worship, training, and also technical support and extra knowledge between chakramamas and Wenyak technicians, information, shared experience.
The number two is environmental environment, native plants and growing our forests and nursery and delivery. So this is also working and certification of Chakras, the lands where we produce the food and products from production partners.
The number three is the social relation. We provide leadership, financial involvement, governance, and other workshops, you know, collection of food to the farm, exact weight of the food payment, post harvest, processing, transformation, marketing of the Chakra products in the national and international.
The number four is the economy, Indigenous economy or bioeconomy. And this is on picture that how they are working this association. This is one of the examples how we can do and treat well and good practice to work with territory and families and give the alternatives to people.
Next. So the benefit members were receiving by Wynyec, for example, this is something very, examples that I want to present here, differentiate prices of fair price we call. training leaders, we train with leaders, purchase of raw materials for the farm, beneficiaries of inputs, tools, and plants.
Also, we work with organic certification codes, employing post -facility is required sometimes. Monitoring and technical assistance, a space for preprofessional practice, and for the others or some of the members of the families who are part of the Wiener Association.
This is an example of what we do. Next, so this is example, for example, we have many other products, but something that you know, Albreedy, dry cocoa beans, for example, you can see the picture. And then we have this tea, what you see in the video, I show you the plant, we cross in the way you sati, and then we have banana without peel and banana with peel and cassava, manioca peel and the cassava with peel, vanilla, no, and also you have some samples of chocolate processes at 55%, 70%, 85% and 100% pure cocoa, and then we have banana and cassava snacks.
So another thing that I enjoy is the service ecosystems and the agro tourists also. Next. So to conclude maybe this presentation, Wynyex is one of the examples in the Equatorian Amazon. We have, as I mentioned, I was working in Umbrella in other countries also, but I want to talk about this as a conclusion.
Wynyex proposes a source of income that is sustainable and friendly to the natural environment of the Amazon without contamination of its soils, rivers, and food. The second point also is important to understand indigenous people like the Quechua or the Xhwara or other groups need the society to know, to respect the conservation areas for biodiversity, ecosystems, and water sources, because they are very important to continue working with sustainable agriculture through the Chakra system and the ancestral knowledge and transmitted with grandparents from generations to generations, the ancestral wisdom to keep our territories and forests preserved.
Next. Finally, I think so to conclude here is that indigenous people and communities are knowledgeable about ancestral and sustainable agriculture techniques respect mother nature or the mother earth because the air provides with food everything for us the rainforest the tropics which is life and in return we take care of it because it's like also our supermarket we can find everything in the forest and the chakra.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next, thank you very much. Thank you very much. For many years, I was working for the nature, protecting the natural, protecting the forest, and working with indigenous groups or indigenous organizations.
Thank you. So I think so I like to work collective with different groups. I think it's important to have unity. Also, I always think I was thinking I was pushing that the mother air, the cosy has right as indigenous people because we as indigenous people we are part of the nature.
We only want part of the nature. I think so for me was. For myself, I was not nominated. I was nominated for all the indigenous people because we are protecting. I only bring the voices. I do what I have to do it.
But I did this recognition. This is a long walk and long work and work trying to present all the demands as indigenous people rights from the ground to the international arena. So finally, I think so was important, but not only for me.
It was important for Mother Earth, for the nature, and also for people. And that we can a lot of contribute to save and to protect this planet. indigenous people, we were living in our territory for many centuries, for many years.
We know that from 100 years ago, the first indigenous leader was trying to go to the group of the countries who were building this UNE Nations League. So that leader was bringing the concerns, demands from the ground because they were persecuting the internationalization and they were stalling the land.
They were killing leaders or people, right? Because it was some complicated situation in some countries. So I think so, and memorize that demands or that concerns international indigenous people, we will bring into the international arena.
these demands, these problems, what is happening in the local ground rainforest because sometimes we don't be civilized. Even some governments, they don't listen to us. Some governments, they don't want to talk to us.
So I think so. Right now we are doing a lot of effort to bring demands and concerns from the ground to the international arena. And finally, I think so, these recognitions give us a little hope, a little hope for us because we, as indigenous people, who are living in the rainforest, managing the rainforest, protecting the rainforest, and I'm very happy that at least something we can change is not important to win this premium.
The important for me is that they recognize us and respect us. So finally, if we ask for solidarity, we ask into a to as respect to us and also to listen to us because we we can work together to combat this climate crisis.
Thank you. It's important to understand that everything, all the initiative has a process learning because some initiatives like Winiak, they need to have a dialogue consensus with family, with community spheres to understand what, how is going to be working, the association, who are the members.
So the second step, when you are informed, you collaborate with families on the leadership at the goal, objectives of Winiak, takes time to continue it. to give more knowledge in the process. So, Wynye is learning in the process, all the time giving some alternatives for families, because most of the territory, what I explain you, are under threats.
I mean, some people are destroying, the governments are destroying, companies are destroying the land. Contaminated the rivers and the forests daily. So, these kind initiatives, like Wynye, is a good initiative to support and to connect.
I think so, they grow out, they are growing slowly, but they are growing. Families are working, families have hopes, and people, we are giving some work to them. So, I think so from the past, the time that we created 2010, and many years before they are learning the process, of course, we need to continue helping and processing, because all the time, they are changing.
So, that is why we need to have patience, we need to ask collaboration, and also, we need to help to support these kind initiatives. That is why now, Winnac is sharing the experience with other communities, with other indigenous groups as a good example.
But of course, all the time, they need to get empowered process and giving the knowledge to the members who are part of the association. But the more important is in this learning process, what Winnac did, now they are sharing to the other communities.
That is a good point. And giving some alternatives to the families, incomes to the families. I think so that. When you support these initiatives like Winiac, it's very important to understand that when you give information, training, data information for Winiac to get more power in the discussions from the local and the regional and the national level, why not international level also?
It's very important that indigenous groups can show that not just only Winiac initiatives from the rainforest has to be strong. Otherwise, it's going to be a very dangerous situation because sometimes some governments, they're pushing different other projects what is attentive against ecosystems and forests like gold mining, like oil exploration, illegal logging, et cetera.
So if Winiac is strong and they can have a strong leadership and unity in discussions and political discussions in the local, in the regional, making align some good partners can present as a strong leadership in the government also give alternatives to people.
If we don't support these initiatives like Winiac, it's going to be very dangerous because people need help and working and needs help to sell this product. So Winiac is giving not only five with these other extractive initiatives that the governments and also private sectors are pushing.
So Winiac also can empower to indigenous people, indigenous family to make themselves empowered that there's another way to do a best practice, protecting the forest, protecting the land we respect. Best practices.
So it's important to this question. So we need to analyze the two balances. So because if you don't give alternative to people, is there going to be alone, there's going to be weekly, because there are going to come other offers and at the end of the day, people is going to go with other initiatives is going to be dangerous, you know, like mining and exploration and everything.
So Winiac is a key example. Winiac has to be strong every time, has to get collaboration with good partners and can contribute and the politics publics and giving some ideas and supports to the governments.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. that We need to connect that for many centuries, for many years, indigenous groups, indigenous people. We manage knowledge systems, knowledge systems in our ecosystems, for example.
In the tropical areas in the rainforest, we have different ecosystems. We have mountains, we have mountains, and then that's why we were learning and connecting. We are part of the land, we are part of the rainforest.
As indigenous people, I always say that I am part of the rainforest, I am sometimes identified by trees, sometimes by the animal or water. Yeah, so we have to understand this spiritual connection. This is knowledge for generations, from generations to generations, from grandfathers, from elders.
So that is important. For example, in some groups, we know the roles of the men, or the women, the family, in the rainforest. We know when it's going to eat animals, when we're going to have fruits seasons in the year.
So many plants that we eat, we put in our knowledge close that we create this area, chakra, or another language we call aja. So you can find medicine, you can find food, everything. It's not just agroforestry, maybe it's a bad translation.
But somehow chakra is an identification way or system of knowledge, tradition transmitted how my elders, the women, men, some family, we have protected scientific information. That is why every moment when we destroy rainforests, we don't lose only the tree.
Maybe we are losing some medicine plant, some foods, because animals, circles, we break the ecosystem connection. So we need to understand the spiritual connection first, cultural identity. Chakra is a special place for family.
It is our system managing for many sessions in the chakra, because this is for many, many years, or for generation to generation, we need to protect this knowledge. So that is why we are very jealous with some information.
It's in chakra, maybe it can be some plants to cure some kind of illness. I don't know, in the rainforest, I still no discover. So, but some people, indigenous people, we use as a food. That is why it's to winyak initiative and connect with chakra.
So, and the other hand, I say the rainforest means everything for us. What we have in the rainforest? So you can imagine many things in the forest, food, animals, water, everything, spiritual connection.
So that is why Chakra trying to combine all this knowledge for me in one place, but we can manage this. This is very important to understand. So, Thank you. Thank you. So that is why we see as holistic way, our ecosystem, yeah, holistic, integrate, you know, because if we break down this connection, this holistic, that's where we create problems.
That is why it's important to maintain knowledge with chakra as I would practice and protect in the culture and identity. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the question. I would like to answer with three points here to summarize.
It's important the question. Peace at all. Initiatives like Wynia is a core is collective. The spirit is to work in collective. Families, territory, many members. It's not just individual. It's something that you just mentioned.
Second one, everything that we can do to protect, to help the mother earth, the forest, and to be friendly use what the resources are giving to us from the rainforest. Because we are part of the rainforest in this ecosystem.
We are part of this. We know the destruction daily by daily. So many actors are disappearing. So this initiative has to be connected, explained to people. I am very happy to be here. And thank you for the invitation, because if people are listening to us or the work that you are doing, I am willing to support.
I think so you were asking in the beginning also, what was my feeling, how I feel when I was in the short list of nominating for the price novel. One of the points that this work has to be supported and to disseminate to more people in Tokyo, in Japan, or in Asia, because there's good people in this world that we want to protect this planet.
I don't know if there is another plan, Planet B. I don't think so that we are building to go to other space. We are here now. We are living with this earth. So the earth will survive, depends on how we act.
So finally, I think there are a lot of problems. As you can see, there is a lot of crisis. Again, the environmental crisis, climate change, also the structural ecosystem. As indigenous people, we knew this and we know this because we have seen the changes in the ground.
People are saying that the weather is changing. As I say, the animals, sometimes they are not coming, the rice seeds, everything is under control. But still, where indigenous people are living, the scientific information says they are the best pristine forests.
Indigenous people are living. So we can contribute this. Finally, what I want to say is that the work that you are doing with Winnak, this is a good incentive to invite all the partners in a good way.
Because this is helping people, it's helping the nature. And everything we can do, we are contributing. Because as a human being, people need to connect. People have more human sense that we are losing this violent.
That's why indigenous people, we are connected. We talk with forests. We live with forests. I am the forest. I am the water. So that's what indigenous people at the world you are doing, I just want to say, is an opportunity to connect ourselves to give and cure this planet with this initiative.
So I hope the people are listening here. This is my message. I am happy to share with you the good work that you are doing. Keep doing it. Because we need to do this. Thank you. Okay. Very welcome, very welcome.
Thank you very much. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye -bye. Gracias.
A look at possible contenders for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Peace Prize to the Indigenous movement?
Juan Carlos Jintiach
日時:2023/11/18(土) 午前9時〜1時間程度
司会:江沢孝太朗 ママノチョコレート代表 / ウルリッチゼビッシュ ママノチョコレート ラテンアメリカ代表
配信: youtube配信を検討
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